Soulmate Attraction


for Professional Christian Women.


Get Lifetime Access To Dr. Pat’s SUCCESS IN LOVE AND LIFE Exclusive Fast Start Course

5 of Dr. Pat’s Success In Love And Life Advanced Training Sessions

($299 Value!)

Live 50 Minute Soulmate Coaching Session Led By Dr. Pat

($199 Value!)

TOTAL VALUE: $498   Now Only $97!



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Get Lifetime Access To Dr. Pat’s SUCCESS IN LOVE AND LIFE Exclusive Fast Start Course

5 of Dr. Pat’s Success In Love And Life Advanced Training Sessions

($299 Value!)

Live 50 Minute Soulmate Coaching Session Led By Dr. Pat

($199 Value!)

TOTAL VALUE: $498   
Now Only $97!

Dr. Pat’s


Exclusive Fast Start Course

Everything You Need To Quickly Start Attracting Your Soulmate This Year!

  • See God’s Perspective

  • Get Unstuck From The Past

  • Know How Your Soulmate Thinks

  • Activate Your Soulmate Magnet!

  • Hear Dr. Pat’s Answers To The Toughest Questions


Regular Price For This
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Of Just $97!

That’s 80% OFF! And You Won’t See This Offer Anywhere Else!

By The Time You Finish Your Fast Start Course
You’ll Be Ready To Attract The Man Of Your Dreams!

Dr Pat1
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Finally, I decided that enough was enough. I was not waiting on God; clearly, it was Him that was waiting on me.

I’m Patricia Van Pelt, PhD but you can call me “Dr. Pat.”

Whether it’s managing non-profits, leading community movements, serving as a pastor, or representing my constituents as a State Senator, my most important mission is always to help others live a happier life.

When I reached the age of 58 I realized I had accomplished this mission over and over again, except in the area of my own happiness. I was alone, even in the midst of all my friends, family and colleagues.

I was still waiting for God to fulfill His promise to send me the right man. And I was starting to wonder what I was doing wrong. Why was it taking so long? Was it ever going to happen?

Then I remembered something I discovered years ago in the scriptures. God will absolutely keep His promise to send me the right mate. BUT he also expected me to do my part. I had buried this approach for years, because it seemed to buck the tradition we’ve all been taught in church - prepare yourself and wait for Mr. Right to show up.

I was no longer willing to go on without at least trying the scriptural approach to soulmate attraction. I saw that God wanted me to pray, prepare myself, AND seek out my soulmate with the proper wisdom and direction.
When I did, I was happily married to my soulmate in 14 months.

You can do this too.

So keep praying and walking with the Lord. But it’s ALSO time to take action and move toward God’s promises!

Step out in faith!

Whether it’s managing non-profits, leading community movements, serving as a pastor, or representing my constituents as a State Senator, my most important mission is always to help others live a happier life.

When I reached the age of 58 I realized I had accomplished this mission over and over again, except in the area of my own happiness. I was alone, even in the midst of all my friends, family and colleagues.

I was still waiting for God to fulfill His promise to send me the right man. And I was starting to wonder what I was doing wrong. Why was it taking so long? Was it ever going to happen?

“ (1)

Finally, I decided that enough was enough. I was not waiting on God; clearly, it was Him that was waiting on me.

Then I remembered something I discovered years ago in the scriptures. God will absolutely keep His promise to send me the right mate. BUT he also expected me to do my part. I had buried this approach for years, because it seemed to buck the tradition we’ve all been taught in church - prepare yourself and wait for Mr. Right to show up.

I was no longer willing to go on without at least trying the scriptural approach to soulmate attraction. I saw that God wanted me to pray, prepare myself, AND seek out my soulmate with the proper wisdom and direction.
When I did, I was happily married to my soulmate in 14 months.

You can do this too.

So keep praying and walking with the Lord. But it’s ALSO time to take action and move toward God’s promises!

Step out in faith!

This Could Be You!

Versie D.

Chicago, IL

Jackie E.

Arlington, TX

Dugger V.

Seattle, WA

Sheila L.

Chicago, IL

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